Sunday, July 27, 2014

Green Bay Readers Notch No. 1

The Green Bay area is No. 1 in gorgeous summer weather and City Deck entertainers, No. 1 in Kansas wide receivers and pro-shop baseball cap displays, and No. 1 as an Integrated Newspaper Audience. The first two are in my humble opinion, and the last is supported by a national media and consumer study. 

Last Sunday (July 20, 2014, D1), the Press-Gazette’s business writer, Richard Ryman, wrote about a Scarborough Research study that measured media impact from April 2013 to March 2014 over more than 150 DMAs (Designated Market Areas) across the nation. Green Bay newspaper readers ranked No. 1. I guess the No. 1 shouldn’t have been a surprise since Gannett Wisconsin print and digital products in the Green Bay area had been No. 1 during the previous year and No. 2 the year before. Our area understands the importance of a newspaper.

To climb to the top of the newspaper pile, the Press-Gazette recorded a market "reach" of 62-percent. This means 62-percent of our local adults read the printed newspaper, the newspaper’s website, or a mix of both during a typical week. In comparison, according to Ryman, the big dog of journalism in the state, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, ranked a respectable seventh with a 52.6 percent overall weekly reach. Considering how newspapers are getting pounded by other media, neither ranking is bad -- though ours is better. Scott Johnson, president and publisher of Press-Gazette Media, was naturally pleased, “Our readers continue to value and appreciate our content and we are grateful to them…”

All this is to the good. I am happy to be part of the No. 1 Integrated Newspaper Audience in the nation. I started the newspaper habit as a journalism student in college and have continued that habit through a variety of careers. Newspaper reading has been a personal and professional advantage. And, I believe, a responsibility of an informed citizenry. If one does not read the newspaper, how will he or she know what is going on? 

I look forward to the morning dose of the world and I expect continued success in media studies in future years since in the past year, the PG has noticeably improved by adding USA Today and other Gannett features to the Press-Gazette. Now the paper takes two cups of coffee in the morning, rather than just one.

Congratulations to Johnson, Ryman and all the other newspaper workers at the Press-Gazette. Together, I think we have the makings for another Green Bay dynasty.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Better You in Five Years

Self-help lists are a dime a double dozen on the Internet. What do they boil down to? Eat right, get plenty of sleep and exercise each and every day. Right. Been there. Done that. Have the Bellin Run t-shirt -- in fact, I have drawer of Bellin Run t-shirts. But has this advice inspired me to create a new improved version of myself? How about you?

Then I came across a post from Drake Baer of Business Insider who asked a question on behalf of a 23-year-old physics student: “What can I do today to help out my future self in 2019?” Baer compiled the answers from a website called Quora and summarized the 20-something advice into 17 categories. I almost clicked through the post, but was pulled in by the first couple of suggestions. They were easy (see #17) and made a lot of sense even for someone who is a multiple of 20-something.

Now, I don't advocate starting all seventeen ideas right after you read this blog, but there are enough ideas here that if you can make one or two of them a habit (see #17, again) during the days of summer that are left to us you may achieve better personhood in five years. I am borrowing more or less direct from Baer's article so I am crediting the people who came up with the ideas. We do need to know who to award the t-shirts to.

Here are the seventeen ideas.

1 Pick up an athletic hobby that you can do over your lifetime. Coed rugby and mountain skateboarding will only last so long. On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle will do awful things to you. David Cannon.

2. Write down key points of what you did each day. This may seem trivial and a bit middle-school journal-ish, but Harvard Business School research shows that taking as little as 15-minutes of written reflection at the end of the day can make you more productive. Stan Hayward.

3. Talk to one stranger every day. Strangers = opportunities. Opportunities = more opportunities. And, more +++ opportunities are better than fewer :-<<. Who you know (in other eras this was called networking) can accelerate your career, happiness and health. Ashraf Sobli.

4. Learn to listen well. People love to talk about themselves. Listening allows you to build #3 and gives you something to #2 about. Charles Tips.

5. Waste less time. Zig Ziglar (my quotation, not Baer's) points out that each of us have twenty-four hours each day. Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem of those who waste time. Anonymous.

6. Find happiness in the process of accomplishing your dreams. Avoid a "deferred life plan." Find a way to do what you like to do today, or, like what you have to do. Attitude is always key. Dan Lowenthal.

7. Build strong friendships and be kind to people. See #3 and #4. That will also help #6. Edina Dizharevic.

8. Diversify your experiences. See #3. Dan Lowenthal.

9. Save money. Put a little bit away with each paycheck. Do it automatically so you don't miss it. This is called the miracle of compound interest. India L.J. Mitchell.

10. Drink with old people (see #3, #7, #8). They've been there, done that and have the t-shirts (see #4). Ben Hinks.

11. Start meditating. It trains your brain to be able to deal with the madness of each day (see #6). Anonymous.

12. Learn to work with shame and doubt. Those emotions probably mean your are stretching beyond your comfort zone (see #11). That's a good thing. Diego Mejia.

13. Go outside: hikes, walks, running, that new lifelong sport you are taking up (see #1), anything. Cognitive psychologists prescribe a little "wilderness bathing" to counteract depression and burnout. Non-cognitive sorts say you need a dose of fresh air to chase aways the blues. Stephen Steinberg.

14. Get to know people who are different from you (see #3, #4, #8, #10). You might even meet them during a #13. Judy Tyrer.

15. Date everything (see #2) — no, not that kind of “date.” Whether you're connecting with a person, taking notes during a meeting, or labeling takeout boxes in the fridge, knowing the date when something happened is useful in ways you can't predict. If it could be predicted, we might mention it here as incentive. Dee Vining.

16. Read novels. Fiction is emotional and cognitive stimulation. Novels train you to recognize, understand and model other people's experiences of life. It's almost as good as #3, #8, #10 and #14. It’s even up there with #1 and #13. Anuany Arunav.

17. Set minimum goals. Read 15 pages a day, do 20 push ups each morning (see #1-#16), floss a different tooth each day (???). Starting the habit, even a small habit, is key to changing your life.

Pick only one or two of the group to try for the rest of the summer but don't delay (#6). We’ll check back in five years. T-shirts to the finishers.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Success Myth: Pick a College, Any College

Flash quiz: What is the best strategy for a high school graduate? 1. Pick a college, any college. 2. Align your talents and strengths with career exploration and the relevant education and skills training you will need to get a job in your first preferred career choice.

If you, or the graduate, are not sure of the answer, watch this excellent 9-minute video from Citrus College, a community college in the Los Angeles, California, suburb of Glendora. The video is written and narrated by Kevin Fleming and directed and animated by Brian Marsh.

Success in the New Economy: how prospective college students can gain a competitive advantage:

OK, now that you have watched it, you can probably answer the first question. Can you answer a few more?

  1. What percentage of recent high school graduates enroll in higher education: 22%, 44%, 66% or 88%?
  2. What fraction of new university graduates are underemployed: 12.5%, 25%, 50% or 75%?
  3. Comparing the job market of 1960 with 2018, what percent of jobs in 2018 will require a four-year university degree?
  4. Comparing the job market of 1960 with 2018, what percent of jobs in 2018 will require a one-year certificate or two-year associate degree?
  5. What is the ratio of jobs in the economy in 1950 that required a graduate degree compared to a bachelors degree compared to a one-year certificate or two-year degree.
  6. What is the ratio of jobs in the economy in 1990 that required a graduate degree compared to a bachelors degree compared to a one-year certificate or two-year degree.
  7. What is the ratio of jobs in the economy in 2030 that will require a graduate degree compared to a bachelors degree compared to a one-year certificate or two-year degree.
  8. (T/F) "Getting a bachelors degree in Business is always better than getting an industry-based credential as an Electrician."
  9. Community colleges are in an ideal position to provide (PICK ONE: 40%, 50%, 60% or 70%) of tomorrow's workforce with the education they need.
  10. What two items will be the new currency for the new economy?
ANSWERS: In the video, of course. And, a passing grade is 80%.